In fact, if you are looking for inspiration, we have a number of different ideas for laptop stickers on our blog. Whether you need something square, circular, or even an abstract shape, we are able to fulfill your request. We can print stickers in just about any shape that you desire. We have the best laptop stickers on the market. Whether you own a MacBook, a PC, or something else entirely, we’ve got a sticker for you to show off. Now, however, with the advent of personal laptops, this messaging can be projected forward in a non-vehicular manner. This sort of ideological advertisement used to be reserved for bumpers, projecting a kind of ‘eat my shorts’ to those behind you.
Everything from Bob Marley references and Twitter pulls quotes to this or that political campaign or advocacy issue is on full display. Standing at the front of a classroom, you will be bombarded with all kinds of messages from the backs of student’s laptops. College students have never been shy about showcasing their loyalties, be they political, cultural, or something else, but now they all have a new way to display them. Step foot onto just about any college campus nowadays, and you will see a new phenomenon.